Stackers and Unstackers from Opto System Co. Ltd
Full automatic stackers pick and align edge-emitter laser bars and filters for thin-film optical coating of the facets.

Stackers and Unstackers from OptoSystem Co. Ltd

Full automatic stackers pile up edge-emitter laser bars for thin-film optical coating of the facets.

This original laser bar stacker is designed specifically for this high precision stacking task. It comes with a very precise bar placement mechanism that allows for enhanced control of the overcoating step and an increased amount of bars per jig. Additionally, the jig clamping is done automatically.

The full automatic unstacker has a dedicated geometry to safely remove the bars from the jig. It automatically recognizes when laser bars stick together after the facet optical coating and moves them to a separation stage. It all happens automatically.

The combination tool is an all-rounder, capable of stacking the laser bars into the jig and removing them back on tape after coating. While compromising on some parameters, it comes handy to have a tool that just can do all tasks by itself.

Since optical inspection is often done right after the facet coating, why not combining both functions in a tool while we are holding the laser bar? This tool comes with all the advantages of a dedicated unstacker and a dedicated optical inspection tool with no compromises.

If you just want to get started in the process of stacking but do not need a full automatic system, why not taking advantage of the fab-proven design from Opto System. There is no need to start from scratch, probably damaging your facets or facing issues that have already been resolved.

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