Allrounder Tool For Stacking And Unstacking
Description of the OptoSystem Laser Diode Bar Stacker & Unstacker VDSB3000
An automatic bar stacker is a big relief in production because this is a difficult task to learn and to execute when done manually. To develop human skills for this requires a lot of time and training. Unstacking is a very delicate task as well since the diode bars often are at the peak of their fabrication value and yield losses are very painful. The bar stacker and unstacker VDSB3000 is perfect if you need to expand or improve your stacking capability with a reliable tool that does all the difficult jobs for you. This tool is our all-rounder that combines both tasks: Stacking and unstacking. Before coating, the tool picks up the laser bars from a tape and fills them up into the holding jig. The jig is easy to handle and is designed to allow plasma coating on both facets. After the coating just place the jig back on the VDSB3000 and the unstacker function will automatically pick up the laser bars from the stack, ensure that they separated, and create an array of coated bars back on the tape.