Optical Inspection tools from Opto System Co. Ltd
for high-resolution analysis of all device sides, including the bottom side and the facets.

Optical Inspection tools from OPTO SYSTEM

Full automatic optical inspection tools for high-resolution analysis of all device sides, including the bottom side and the facets.

The fully automatic multi-stage optical inspection tool VVF4000 is optimized to inspect devices from the top, the bottom (optionally) and both their facets at very high throughput. With this new design, even as small as 1µm defects can be reliably detected on all sides. Frames are loaded automatically from magazines and each device is fully inspected from all sides in few seconds.

The full automatic die inspection sorter VVSP4000 picks up the chips from a carrier and re-sorts them after automatic optical inspection. In this set-up, high resolution pictures of the p-side and both facets (bottom side optional) are taken in a dedicated stage allowing the smallest defects to be identified. The sorting function is the main aspect of this machine.

Since optical inspection is often done right after the facet coating, why not combining both functions in a tool while we are holding the laser bar? This tool comes with all the advantages of a dedicated unstacker and a dedicated optical inspection tool with no compromises. Besides, it allows extremely fast and accurate sorting of  the bars resulting in a radically shortened  chip dicing process.

The fully automatic optical inspection tool VVS3000 is able to inspect devices from the top (p-side) and their lateral walls (facets). In this particular tool a specially designed optical setup allows the inspection to be performed without picking up the devices of the whole facet without any limitations even for 1µm or larger defects. This tool delivers high versatility because it can inspect chips and bars in the same set-up.

The fully automatic optical inspection tool VVS2000 is able to inspect devices from the top (p-side) and their emitter regions (facets). In this particular tool a specially designed optical stage allows the inspection to be performed without picking up the devices down to 3µm large or larger defects. This tool can inspect the facets at a very attractive price.

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