Our Specialized Cleaver For GaAs Or InP Edge-Emitting Laser Diodes
Description of the Opto System Tape Cleaver LDTH-100TS
The LDTH 100TS is our our dedicated laser diode cleaving tool that can process wafers up to 4 inches. The frame supporting the substrate to be cleaved is placed in the machine and a stretched tape covers the structures from above, holding them in place. The vision system automatically recognizes the structures and precisely aligns the wafer to the ceramic cutter knife that hits the substrate from the bottom. The tape holds the substrate tight but does allow a larger flexibility than our other breaking systems using an adjustable gap in a rigid support. The sharp bending force is just about right to propagate the pre-existing crack made by a diamond scriber along crystal planes without creating any adjacent damage. Mirror-like facets can be achieved with this method. If you are looking for a universal tool that can break also laser bars into chips, we recommend to have a look into our universal breakers LDH50TS and LDH100TSX instead.